Iconizer Pro Contextual Menu is a contextual menu plug-in which allows Iconizer Pro users to open any QuickTime-compatible images and picture clippings by using usual contextual menu method, i.e. Control-Click the image on Finder.
1. Mac OS 8.6 or later.
2. Iconizer Pro 1.6.7 or later.
You can download Iconizer Pro application from:
To install this plug-in:
1. Open the active system folder.
2. Look for a folder named "Contextual Menu Items" and open it.
3. Put the Iconizer Pro Contentual Menu into the "Contextual Menu Items" folder.
4. Restart your computer.
To use this plug-in:
1. On the Finder, locate your target image.
2. Select the icon of target image.
3. Press "Control" key while click mouse on that selected icon.
4. The contextual menu should be shown.
5. Select the contextual menu item named "Iconizer Pro".
6. Iconizer Pro application will be launched and imports your target image.
If you have problems about Iconizer Pro Contextual Menu, please mail me at: naratt@naratt.com
This plug-in is a freeware for registered users of Iconizer Pro.
You can purchase Iconizer Pro at: http://order.kagi.com/?69A
Credit card, cash, check or money order are welcome at Kagi.
My effort has been made to test this plug-in to ensure it performs as expected, therefore I will not be held responsible for any consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damages through the use of this plug-in.